Forest planting

Help grow a better future

Our annual forest planting event, creating an ecosystem, attracting wildlife and bringing together the local community is the perfect example of how the Jane Goodall Belgium team of volunteers and sponsors work to bring to life Jane Goodall’s dream to live in harmony with nature. It joins people of all ages and cultures to create a forest in one day. Tree planting efforts create forests, reintroduce ecosystems and highlight the importance of the vital role trees play in providing oxygen, storing carbon, stabilising the soil, giving life to wildlife and so much more.

Since starting this event in 2014, we have planted about 100000 indigenous trees in Belgium to create forests. For every tree we plant, we sponsor the planting of several trees in one of our community conservation and reforestation projects in Africa.

This event occurs during the winter months between December and February to protect the trees whilst in their resting period.

Our forestry partners help us secure a plot of land and provide us with a forest planting plan and the best selection of indigenous trees and plants to create a natural ecosystem. In Flanders forestation mainly happens by private landowners who want to transfer their land into a forest. The forest groups also assist us with the planting during the event and teach us all about forests, trees, nature, birds and wildlife. They also assure the follow-up for each of the forests to ensure that the trees planted grow healthy to create a new strong forest. In addition to tree planting, other activities are arranged on the day as well (guided nature walks, workshops, scavenger hunts etc.).

Forest in one day

We organize a big annual tree planting event joining people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures to plant a forest in one day in Belgium. Jane Goodall Institute Belgium and its partners have planted 21 forests and 100000 trees and shrubs since 2014. All our Roots & Shoots groups are invited to this event and so are you!

For every tree planted in Belgium, several trees are planted in Africa

JGI Belgium is a proud supporter of the reforestation and community conservation project known as Roots & Shoots Burundi, the local youth empowerment programme. Since they have started the reforestation project, the local community and youth groups have planted over 6 million trees (end 2022) and that number keeps on growing!

Photo credit: (hero image) Sören Decraene/JGIB, (1st) Audrey Froidbise/JGIB, (2nd) JGI Burundi