Campaigns in Belgium

Peace day

Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots groups around the world celebrate peace and “fly” their Giant Peace Dove Puppets every year around International Peace Day in September. In Belgium, we added a second occasion to fly your Giant Peace Dove: at the annual UN Day celebrations at the end of October, gathering all the Belgian R&S groups on the Grand Place/Grote Markt in the centre of Brussels at the “UN Village”.


Mobile phones contain a valuable mineral known as coltan, much of which is mined in Central Africa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This is a region torn by an ongoing conflict that has killed at least 4 million people, including many children, since 1998. Every mobile phone that is recycled helps to put an end to the violence in the Congo and also helps to ensure the survival of the great apes and their natural habitat in the region. You can help us recycle old phones.


Once or twice a year Jane Goodall Institute Belgium organizes a run on behalf of orphaned chimpanzees and to raise awareness about the protection of the endangered primates.

Photo credit: (hero image) WSP/JGIB, (last) JGIB