Peace day 2022

Peace day 2022
18/09/2022 Webmaster

Each September 21st, individuals and organisations around the world celebrate the UN International Day of Peace. This is an important day for Jane Goodall Institute and Roots & Shoots as Dr. Jane Goodall became a UN Messenger of Peace in 2002, in honour of her continuous work with Roots & Shoots globally.

For more than three decades, Roots & Shoots has been conveying Jane’s vision by empowering people around the world to get involved in their communities and have a positive impact on animals, people and the environment. Roots & Shoots inspires each of us to live harmoniously with nature and each other and encompasses a global community of advocators in more than 62 countries.

This year, the 2022 theme for International Peace Day is “End racism. Build peace” and focuses on collaboratively building a world which finds strength in diversity, respect, and connection to one another and the natural world.

Dr. Goodall, JGI and Roots & Shoots chapters will embody this theme by working to right the harms of past decision-making and climate injustice, emphasizing restoration and protection of global habitats and environmental justice to build a sustainable and equitable future for all.

This September, we invite you to think of all the ways in which peace can be promoted in your own community and join R&S in a day of reflection, celebration and hope for a better world.

If you want to know more about International Peace Day, you can download our Roots & Shoots booklet filled with information, stories and activities.

  • We can have a world of peace. We can move toward a world where we live in harmony with nature, where we live in harmony with each other. No matter what nation we come from. No matter what our religion is. No matter what our culture. This is where we’re moving towards.

    - Dr. Jane Goodall

Hero image: Roy Borghouts